
Below you will find a list of garden services that we provide for home or business owners. 

  • Unique garden beds & containers

  • Curb appeal front-entry design & plant decor

  • Refresh flower beds for spring, summer, and fall

  • New ideas for old gardens

  • Installation of new plants & flowers, small shrubs or trees

  • Pollinator-friendly plants for your gardens

  • Seasonal maintenance & light pruning of perennials and shrubs

  • Sustainable gardening techniques

  • Prepare plant I.D. and care guides for your plants

  • Provide fall bulb planting

If you think of something else that we didn't cover, shoot us an email and let's chat about the possibility of a new project.


First time customers receive a free consultation followed by a project proposal. Services are then billed hourly, with some jobs quoted on a per-project basis. 


Hourly Rates

Our basic service rate is $38 per hour for a single-person job or $76 per hour for both of us. 
Most of our jobs are billed at these hourly rates. Plants and materials will be quoted separately from labor. We can also create custom seasonal maintenance agreements if you just need someone to be the caretaker for your garden.


We are happy to partner with you in selecting the plants for your garden project!
We can do the shopping and purchasing and delivery of plant materials. Or feel free to acquire materials beforehand and have them onsite for us if you prefer. 

Methods of Payment 

We accept cash, check, or Venmo, and require a 50% down payment up front for purchase of materials.
Clients will receive an invoice for all work provided and we will submit receipts for any plant purchases.

Sound good? Let's get started!